September 16, 2022
Today is National Guacamole Day!
So enjoy some chips and guacamole with your NHE Tigers today!!
Highlights of the week!
Ms. Marr, Ms. Ebarb...

September 15, 2022
Did you know today is National Google Day?
Want to really make your kids think you are old, well if you were born before 1995 then you are older than Google! Don't feel bad so...

August 26, 2022
Hello Tiger Family! Please join us for NHES annual open house. August 29th 2022 from 5:30 to 7:00 Yearbooks on Sale for $45 cash only please! Spirit T-shirts $15 firs...

August 23, 2022
Here is your chance to purchase your new spirit wear in case you missed it the first time! Click the link below to place your order today. The tab at the top of the order link l...

August 23, 2022
Good morning Tiger Family! As we continue to streamline our morning arrival procedures, we need your help. In order to expedite our process, please make sure you pull forward unti...

June 14, 2022
Meeting the need of providing essential, nutritious meals to children across our parish, Caddo Schools is proud to provide access to 23 schools that will serve as feeding sites at...

June 8, 2022
Here are the school supply lists for the 2022/23 school year. Please make note of the uniform policy and changes that have been made for the upcoming school year. This flier has b...
June 8, 2022
Here is your chance to purchase your new spirit wear in case you missed it the first time! Click the link to place your order today. The tab at the top lets you choose between ad...
April 29, 2022
Do you w ant to become a member of the Special Education Advisory Council?
Louisiana law requires that each school district and charter school to establish and maintain a lo...
April 6, 2022
On April 30, 2022, voters in Caddo Parish will be asked to decide whether to use an existing millage to support critical needs vital to the operation of Caddo Parish Schools....

March 10, 2022
We had so much fun when we were blessed with the opportunity to have our special friend, our school board member, Dr. Terence Vinson, drop by and read to us. Thank you...